For Missouri residents looking to apply for or already receiving Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), the Ticket to Work program offers an opportunity to achieve greater financial independence. This program supports people who want to return to work or start...
Helping The Disabled And Injured In
Missouri Get The Support They Deserve
What must you provide when applying for mental health benefits?
Physical disabilities prevent many workers from holding a steady job every year. But mental health disorders contribute just as much suffering to the working populace. Social Security offers the possibility of benefits to anyone suffering from debilitating mental...
Can you qualify for benefits due to depression?
As someone who suffers from depression, you understand the impact this disease has. Depression may easily influence your life to the point that you find holding down a job nearly impossible. As such, you might wonder if you are eligible to apply for Social Security...
Will my age affect my ability to gain disability benefits?
If you are suffering from a severe disability that affects your ability to gain a meaningful income, you may be able to claim disability benefits. While a person of any age can theoretically gain disability benefits, it tends to become easier to get a successful...
How disability is defined in the benefits process
If you want to apply for disability benefits under the Social Security Administration (SSA), you will have two possible routes to do so. You will need to apply to either Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits or Social Security Disability Income (SSI). While the...
Getting the disability benefits you deserve after age 60
As many workers approach their late 50s and early 60s, they start to look forward to retirement and plan for it based on their current income. Working at full capacity can become more difficult as you age, especially if you work in manual labor. Also, workers in their...
How age impacts social security disability
If you are trying to claim social security disability benefits, you may wonder whether your age will have an impact on the outcome, especially if you are over the age of 50. It's possible for disabled people of any age to gain benefits because of their disability....
Applying for disability benefits after turning 50
In order to fulfill the demands of our profession, we rely on the abilities of our body and our mind. Suffering an injury or an illness that affects our abilities can have devastating effects on our capacity to earn an income. This is why in the United States there...
Can I apply for Social Security Disability if I’m older than 50?
Disability afflicts everyone regardless of age. Some people might think that if they’re older, they might have a harder time applying for and receiving benefits from Social Security.Nothing could be further from the truth. Once you reach age 50, it’s...
Can you get Social Security Disability benefits for depression?
While physical disabilities may be a visible representation of someone’s inability to consistently perform certain job-related tasks, mental health problems can be more difficult to recognize. But if you suffer from a mental disorder as defined by the Social...