Memories of your grandparents from your childhood may lead you to conclude that arthritis is primarily a condition for older, retired people. But at least one form of the disease can affect people as young as 30.Rheumatoid arthritis, or RA, is an autoimmune disorder...
Helping The Disabled And Injured In
Missouri Get The Support They Deserve
Month: March 2015
Man born without cerebellum taught his brain to do without
Though much about the human brain remains mysterious, medical experts know that the effects of a brain injury can depend on which part of the brain is damaged. Different regions of the brain perform different functions, so an injury to a particular part of this vital...
‘Invisible’ disabilities often lead to misunderstandings
Have you ever met someone who appeared to be healthy, but later hear that he or she is disabled? Many conditions do not require the use of a wheelchair or cane. They do not cause obvious physical limitations, like cerebral palsy or ALS might. But they still...
Are there 8 forms of schizophrenia?
If a new international study is correct, schizophrenia is not a disease -- it’s a term for eight distinct illnesses.Researchers at Washington University in St. Louis, working with colleagues at the University of Granada in Spain, have published this conclusion...