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Symptoms of depression that could qualify for SSDI

On Behalf of | Jan 25, 2023 | Social Security Disability

The threshold for receiving SSDI typically requires a medical diagnosis that limits your ability to work. While depression or feeling sad can limit your effectiveness at work and make things difficult, it does not automatically qualify for benefits.

However, in some cases, a diagnosis of clinical depression does indeed cause a disability that meets the SSDI standards.

A broad look at depression

Information from WebMD shows that depression in the medical sense refers to an intense sadness that lasts for weeks or longer. It goes by names such as major depressive disorder or clinical depression and it prevents you from going about ordinary activities. You might not have the ability to go to work or attend social gatherings. Severe depression can lead to a loss of hope and might include suicidal thoughts.

The causes of depression come from many sources and often include a combination of factors. Both brain structure and brain chemistry play a role in depression. Changes in hormones and certain genetic factors can lead to bouts of depression.

A look at depression and SSDI

For depression to qualify as a disability it must interfere with your ability to work. This typically requires documentation from a medical professional that you have at least five symptoms of serious depression. Some or all of the following symptoms might lead to a diagnosis of clinical depression:

  • Insomnia or other sleep problems
  • Inability to concentrate
  • Persistent digestive problems
  • Suicidal thoughts
  • Aches and pains that linger
  • Irritability

The inability to work and support yourself could worsen your condition. Both seeking treatment for depression and applying for SSDI benefits could help improve your situation.


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