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SSDI benefits for liver disease

On Behalf of | Aug 25, 2016 | Social Security Disability Benefits For Illness |

Social Security Disability Insurance (“SSDI”) provides benefits to Missourians for a number of diseases and conditions that affect the digestive system. In this post, we will focus on diseases of the liver.

SSDI benefits are available for eight separate liver conditions: hemorrhaging, accumulation of fluids in the abdominal cavity, bacterial peritonitis, hepatorenal syndrome, hepatopulmonary syndrome, hepatic encephalopathy and end stage liver disease. The SSA Red Book establishes laboratory benchmarks that are used in evaluating the seriousness of the disease or condition. As with any of the diseases in the Red Book, the SSD claim must be supported by medical evaluations and laboratory test results. If the objective medical evidence satisfies the prescribed thresholds, the benefits application will most likely be approved.

Because liver disease frequently responds to medical or surgical treatment, the SSA also considers the effect of treatment. In order to evaluate the effect of treatment, the SSA will require a description of the treatment, the dosage, method and frequency of administration, and the applicant’s response to the treatment. The SSA will also consider any adverse effects of the treatment and the expected duration of the treatment.

Anyone contemplating filing an SSDI claim related to liver disease may wish to consult a lawyer who specializes in handling such claims. A knowledgeable attorney can assist a claimant in assembling and presenting the required medical and employment information and can advise the claimant about appeal options should the initial claim be denied.

Source: Social Security Administration, “Disability Evaluation Under Social Security – 5.00 Digestive System – Adult,” accessed on Aug. 21, 2016
