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Evidentiary requirements for SSD

On Behalf of | May 22, 2020 | Social Security Disability

The requirements to qualify for Social Security Disability are quite strict. They are specific, as well. If you fail to meet requirements, then you cannot receive benefits. Not only must you meet work credit qualifications but you also need to show a medical need for the benefits. 

The Social Security Administration explains you must provide proof of your medical condition and its severity. You also need to provide evidence that shows it causes an impairment that prevents you from working. 


You can show the severity of your disability through medical evidence and nonmedical evidence. You need to provide proof of any claim you make. For example, if you say you cannot stand for more than a minute, then your evidentiary requirement is to provide the SSA with evidence that proves this claim. 

Nonmedical evidence may include statements from people who know you well, such as family or friends. It may also include professional statements, such as those from a social worker or educator. Nonmedical evidence is often observations from others that back up your claims regarding the physical limitations you have. 


Often you will be able to show your impairment through medical evidence you submit. However, any proof you submit must be objective for the SSA to accept it. You need to prove that you cannot work in any type of job, whether your previous employment or an alternative position, due to your disability. 

Medical evidence 

The main evidentiary requirement for SSD is to provide medical-based proof of your disability and its effects on your abilities to function. Medical evidence must come from medical personnel. You can get this from your doctor and other health care providers. Any evidence must come from a medical provider who personally treated you. Medical evidence can include any paperwork, charts, reports, test results and other medical forms that include information about your disability. 


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