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Will returning to work jeopardize your SSDI benefits?

On Behalf of | Jan 3, 2022 | Social Security Disability |

Receiving SSDI can provide critical support as you navigate the complexities of your disability. Being unable to work can complicate your financial situation and SSDI may alleviate some of your stress.

When you reach a point in your recovery where you consider returning to work, fear of losing your benefits may prevent you from taking action. Knowing your options can help you make informed and confident decisions about your future.

Knowing your options

The good news is, returning to work may not mean an immediate suspension of your benefits. In fact, depending on your situation, you may still have eligibility to collect at least a portion of your benefits even if you start working again. According to the Social Security Administration, some of your options for returning to work includes the following:

  • Trial work period
  • Continuation of Medicare
  • Extended period of eligibility
  • Coverage for modifications needed to work

Each of these options may provide a degree of financial relief as you assess your ability to work or transition back to the workforce.

Keeping the SSA informed

By law, you need to keep the SSA informed of your actions, especially if you continue receiving benefits. Failure to do so could result in repercussions for non-compliance which may include requirements to repay benefits received while working. As a general rule of thumb, proactively inform the SSA whenever you begin working or quit working. You should also tell them when you experience changes to your income, hours spent working or job duties. If you add, remove or change modifications needed to perform your job, you should also disclose this information to the SSA.

Staying compliant with eligibility requirements can facilitate your continued benefit from SSDI. If you encounter problems where you lose benefits for no explainable reason, an attorney may have the resources to help you appeal the SSA’s decision.
