Scientists have announced that they have discovered a new way to observe how multiple sclerosis works on the cellular level. By using cells from people with MS, researchers may now be able to “turn back the clock” to observe how the cells develop the disorder. This would make it much easier for researchers to test new treatment and cure options.
In its advanced stages, multiple sclerosis can affect your nervous system to the point that working is no longer an option. If that occurs, Social Security Disability benefits may be necessary to pay for basic needs.
One way that scientists study MS is by producing cells called oligodendrocytes. These are cells in the central nervous system that are believed to have a connection to MS. Common methods of producing oligodendrocytes in laboratory conditions take almost six months, which limits what researchers can do with them.
The new method involves taking skin samples from people with MS and generating stem cell lines from them. The researchers then induce those stem cells into becoming oligodendrocytes. The process takes just three months, which allows scientists to observe the cells as MS affects them from the earliest stages.
This discovery, if it holds up, could lead to effective treatments for MS, and possibly a cure. Until then, people living with MS may have to continue to deal with the progressive disease’s effects. Fortunately, they may not have to deal with them alone, at least from a financial perspective. Speaking to an attorney experienced in SSD matters may help shed some light on your personal situation.
Source: Medical Xpress, “Scientists 1 step closer to cell therapy for multiple sclerosis,” July 24, 2014